Hamas has been controlled by the political Establishment throughout its history
by Edward Ulrich, December 5, 2024

Image from Wikipedia.
This article explains how the Hamas terrorist group was initially created by Israel as a controlled opposition organization, and how it has remained under the control of the global elite throughout its history.
Section Introduction
Hamas is a terrorist organization
Section Introduction
A brief history of Hamas since 2005
Prager U Video: “A Palestinian explains Hamas”
What are the stated goals of Hamas?
Hamas terrorists are given “lifetime pensions” if they kill Jews
Issues with Iran and Hamas
Section Introduction
Information explaining how Iran fits into the conflict between Israel and Hamas
Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei made a homicidal tweet on October 7th celebrating the attack
Iran has always been controlled by the global elite
Despite the obvious connection between Iran and Hamas, Joe Biden ridiculously gave billions of dollars in sanction waivers to Iran during his administration, including even after the October 7th attacks
Palestinian attitudes about Hamas
Section Introduction
A poll about the attitudes of Palestinians toward Hamas
Attitudes of Palestinians and others PRIOR to the October 7th attacks
Attitudes of Palestinians and others AFTER the October 7th attacks
Many Palestinians have anti-Western views
The Israeli and U.S. media have been explaining that Hamas is actually a creation of the West
While the mainstream media usually reports that Iran is the force behind then Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, it has also quietly reported about how Hamas is actually a creation of Israel.
In 2009, the Wall Street Journal published a report explaining that Israel was responsible for the creation of Hamas, and in following years similar articles were published in other mainstream sources such as The Washington Post.
It is claimed that Hamas “went rouge” in 1989 after it attacked Israel and aligned itself with Iran, however media reports are explaining that Israel has been supporting it since then as well.
After the October 7 terrorist attacks, The Times of Israel and the Israeli newspaper Haaretz had written articles drawing attention to the situation, where they explain that Israel has been continuing to support Hamas up until the present day in a strategy to ensure that Palestine does not achieve statehood.
See this article which summarizes many mainstream media articles explaining that situation.[Note that the articles are surprisingly candid about the situation, but they do not explain the entire story which includes the fact that Iran is covertly controlled by the global elite, as is explained later in this article.
Also note that a summary of a New York Times article has been added to the article.]
Hamas is a terrorist organization

This image from Wikipedia was posted in 2012, with its caption being: “Gazan children display military tactics at a kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza City. After winning Palestinian legislative elections against Fatah in 2006, Hamas launched a successful coup in June 2007 to purge Gaza of remaining Fatah presence. Hamas security forces shot and tortured Palestinians who opposed Hamas rule in Gaza, and in one instance, threw a Fatah operative from the 15th floor of a Gaza building.”
A brief history of Hamas since 2005
(See this article for details about the entire history of Hamas.)
Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005, supposedly with the idea that the area would become self-governing as a means to create peace between the two regions. But soon after Israel left, Hamas damaged the area’s infrastructure such as greenhouses that were left behind, and then the people in Gaza voted Hamas into power to be its representative government, after which the group took totalitarian control of the region. Since that time Hamas has frequently engaged in skirmishes and larger armed conflicts with Israel, (link) causing Israel to lock the area down and restrict the movement of people in 2007.
Most people agree that at least on the surface Israel was in the right in that situation, but since Hamas is actually controlled by the global elite it changes that. Note that the “global elite” is more than just “Israel” however, (link) and the people of Israel are ultimately victims of the situation as well, where many are opposed to what their government is doing.
Prager U Video: “A Palestinian explains Hamas”
This video that was made in 2021 explains the harmful behavior of Hamas in Palestine.
What are the stated goals of Hamas?
The goals of Hamas are ultimately “offensive” and not “defensive,” as they are based on Islamic Jihadist scripture. See this video by David Wood that explains the stages of Jihad.
In 1988, Hamas wrote its first charter where it advocated for the obliteration of Israel through Jihad, the rejection of peaceful settlements with Israel, and it incited to kill Jews by citing scripture from the Quran.
In 2017, the group wrote an “updated” charter which has less antisemitic language, but it still says that Israel has no right to exist. It is often criticized as being a cosmetic effort designed to make Hamas sound more palatable while actually not changing anything about its underlying aims and methods.
See this article that contains excepts from the 1988 charter and text from a Wikipedia page about the 2017 charter.
Also see this article that explains what the word “Jihad” actually means.
Hamas terrorists are given “lifetime pensions” if they kill Jews
This Palestinian Media Watch article explains the following:
The Palestinian Authority has been paying over 300 million dollars a year in monthly salaries to terrorist prisoners and in monthly allowances to families of dead terrorists. Since October 7th, Israel has arrested thousands of terrorists, 2,000 in Judea and Samaria alone, and thousands more in southern Israel and the Gaza Strip, in addition to the thousands of terrorists who have been killed. All of these imprisoned terrorists and the families of the dead terrorists will be receiving monthly rewards, in the PA program known as Pay-for-Slay, as soon as the Palestinian Authority can finish the bureaucracy.
Palestinian Media Watch has been alerting the donor countries since 2011 that they are either directly funding or facilitating terror rewards, which is both immoral and illegal under their own laws. Now that the PA will have even greater monthly expenses to reward all these thousands of terrorists and their families, the US, EU, Norway, and other donor countries should be expecting the PA to beg for even more money, now that thousands more terrorists are added to their monthly payroll.
(The article also lists the circumstances of terrorists who were recently released that will be receiving monthly salaries for life.)
A Wikipedia page also exists about the program that is technically called “The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund.”’
Issues with Iran and Hamas
Hamas was created by Israel as a “controlled opposition” organization, but then it supposedly “went rouge” in 1989 when it carried out its first attack on Israel. After the attack, Israel rounded up more than 400 suspected Hamas activists and deported them to southern Lebanon, where they coordinated with the Iran-backed Hezbollah and many eventually returned to Palestine, which is supposedly the start of Hamas’ association with that country.
Information in this section explains that Iran is actually covertly controlled by the global elite, and it explains how Joe Biden had been giving billions of dollars in sanctions relief to Iran, even after Hamas’ October 7th attacks.
Information explaining how Iran fits into the conflict between Israel and Hamas
A 2023 VOX article explains the relationship that Hezbollah and Hamas currently have with Iran, where Iran and Hezbollah both provide material support for Hamas as well as training and money.
Following is a summary of selected points in the article:
— Hamas has claimed sole responsibility for the October 7th attacks, and Iran has denied being involved. However Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised the attacks in a televised address soon after they occurred, saying: “We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack on the Zionist regime. … The Zionist regime’s own actions are to blame for this disaster.”
— Iran and Israel have been in conflict since the 1979 Iranian revolution, but there never has been a war between them. However Iran currently does support proxies in the region, including the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group.
— Iran provides material support for Hamas as well as training and money, as reported in the New York Times, as does Hezbollah.
— Iran has provided funds and training to the Lebanese Hezbollah since the group’s early days, but the connection between Iran and Hamas is less clearly defined. While both Iran and Hezbollah provide funding, training, and weapons to Hamas, Iran doesn’t direct its actions.
— Iran’s relationship with Hezbollah is very close, like two NATO allies, where Iran is it’s only backer; whereas Hamas and other militant groups in Iraq and Syria have relationships with other countries.
— The article says that there is no reason to believe that Iran would have coordinated with Iran on the attack due to the fact that there is a high level of penetration of the regime by the Israeli security service, where Iran coordinating with Hamas would have put their operation at risk. [Note however that the entire government of Iran is controlled by the political establishment that was ultimately behind the October 7th attacks, so of course Iran was likely involved.]
— The article says Iran would likely not get involved in the conflict because they would lose about $6 billion in assets which the U.S. and Qatar have already restricted due to an investigation into Iran’s role in Hamas’ potential involvement in the attack against Israel, as reported in the New York Times.
Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei made a homicidal tweet on October 7th celebrating the attack
God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region. #AlAqsaStorm pic.twitter.com/XDyxoTT4gw
— Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) October 7, 2023
Iran has always been controlled by the global elite
Very few people understand that the political Establishment has had covert control over most of Islam since the 1800’s.
The book Hostage to Khomeini explains how the political Establishment had covertly installed the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran as “controlled opposition” in 1979. The book also explains that the global elite (especially British elements of it) have been infiltrating the Middle East going back to 1820 using Freemasonry.
The book explains, “In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British objectives. With the Muslim Brotherhood, British imperial policy was institutionalized in the form of a disciplined organization dedicated to returning the Middle East to the Dark Ages.”
The global elite find Islam to be an ideal system for controlling populations and for other nefarious reasons, so they have taken control over almost all of it through organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. It is almost a certainty that it is the global elite who are behind enforcing death penalties for apostasy, (link) as well as reinforcing all of the other harmful aspects of the ideology. (link)
The following images illustrate the reality of Iran being controlled by the Freemasons:
Vladimir Putin and Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi giving a Masonic handshake.

The Iranian Parliament building that was built in 2004 is an obvious Masonic temple.
Here is Ahmadinejad giving the Masonic ‘thumb and finger’ sign of recognition. Two fingers pointed upward is a negative sign.
Despite the obvious connection between Iran and Hamas, Joe Biden ridiculously gave billions of dollars in sanction waivers to Iran during his administration, including even after the October 7th attacks
A summary of a Breitbart article “Iran Expects $10 Billion Sanctions Waiver Gift from Biden”
This article was published in November 2023 when Joe Biden was about to agree to give Iran $10 billion in a sanctions waiver (which he did do), despite the fact that Iran is connected to Hamas which attacked Israel on October 7th.
Following are points from the article:
— Joe Biden is set to agree to give Iran $10 billion in a sanctions waiver, despite the fact that Iran is connected to Hamas which attacked Israel on October 7th. Iran is the world’s most significant state sponsor of terrorism and it gives hundreds of millions of dollars a year to jihadist organizations that threaten Israel and the West.
— The U.S. State Department says that the terrorist group Hamas receives about $100 million a year from the Iranian government, (link) and the Lebanese-based Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah receives about $700 a year from Iran.
— On the day of the October 7th attacks, a Hamas spokesperson told the BBC that the group received “direct backing” from Iran to organize and fund the attack, (link) and Iranian government officials celebrated the attack by hosting a “death to Israel” street party that night in Tehran. Additionally the city of Tehran designated October 7th a holiday called “Day of Epic by Palestinian Youth.” (link)
— Despite the coordination between Iran and groups like Hamas, the Biden administration has granted Iran over $50 billion in sanctions relief during his administration. (link) Additionally the Biden administration granted Iran $6 billion in sanctions relief a month before the October 7th attacks as a ransom for freeing five Americans it had been holding hostage in its political prisons. (link)
— The Biden administration has also given sanctions relief of billions of dollars to some of Iran’s closest allies. For example as one of its first acts in office, Biden’s State Department removed an Iran-sponsored Shiite terrorist group Ansar Allah (or the “Houthi movement”) from its official list of designated foreign terrorist organizations, which enabled them to fundraise and engage in financial deals to fund its ongoing civil war in Yemen, after which they bombed Saudi Arabia. (link)
— Also shortly after October 7th, Biden “temporarily” lifted all oil and gas sanctions on socialist Venezuela, in response to its dictator Nicolás Maduro’s short-lived promise to allow a free and fair presidential election. (link) Iran and Venezuela are close allies where Iran refines a significant percentage of its oil in Venezuela, and it has helped Venezuela to refurbish its dilapidated oil facilities.
A summary of a Fox News article “Biden admin sanction waivers give Iran access to billions in funds to keep war efforts going, expert says”
This article that was published on May 1, 2024 explains that the Biden administration has so far allowed between $16 billion and $20 billion in sanction waivers that benefit Iran, along with many billions more in unsanctioned sales that allows Iran to continue to divert money to arm its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah in their conflict against Israel in the wake of the October 7th attacks. [Note I see it being reported in this article that Biden has “enriched Iran” by $50 billion. Presumably that is including the other oil sales which this Fox News report is also explaining that Biden isn’t going after.]
It also explains that the Biden administration has been ridiculously attempting to claim that its waivers do not benefit Iran’s militant activity, and it interviews many experts who explain that there would certainly be no way to prevent Iran from misusing the funds.
Palestinian attitudes about Hamas
Many Palestinians support Hamas and its mentalities even though it is actually a weapon that is being used against the Palestinians, the Israelis, and the rest of the world. But of course many do not support Hamas as well.
A poll about the attitudes of Palestinians toward Hamas
A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) between May 26 and June 1, 2024 found the following:
— Support for Hamas in the Palestinian territories is 40%.
— 54% of Palestinians support armed resistance to end Israeli rule and establish a Palestinian state, while 25% chose negotiations, and 16% support “non-violent resistance.”
— In the West Bank 41% of residents support Hamas, and in the Gaza Strip 38% of residents support Hamas.
— 79% of residents in the West Bank believe that Hamas will emerge victorious, while almost none thought that Israel will win the war.
— In Gaza only 48% believe that Hamas will win, while 25% believe Israel will win. 46% of Gazans want Hamas to remain in power after the war.
— 73% of people in the West Bank continue to support the October 7th attacks, while 57% of people in Gaza do.
Note however that polls should not be trusted since there is no accountability for their results. For example, an Axios poll taken before the 2020 election that was reported by CBS said that 32% of black people thought that whites would attack them at the polls.
Additionally many people in Palestine might be answering the questions out of fear of retributions for saying the wrong thing.
Attitudes of Palestinians and others PRIOR to the October 7th attacks
A June, 2021 AP article explains that there was a surge in support for Hamas in Palestine in a poll after a Gaza war with Israel occurred in the previous month, where three quarters of the people said they thought the Islamic militants were the victors, and 53% of them said they believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people.”
A December 8, 2023 Stanford University report says that it polled Palestinians on the day before the October 7th attacks:
“ … [A] majority of Palestinians (51%) supported a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with slightly more support seen among residents of Gaza than among West Bank Palestinians. A quarter of respondents also said they supported ‘armed resistance’ as a preferred solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”
A related issue, Jamal added, is that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has lost legitimacy, due to both its levels of corruption and the continued failure of the peace process. If Palestinians are to ever believe in a future that extends beyond Hamas, she said, then the international community must work together to help bolster the legitimacy of the PA so that it can be the champion of the peace process.
[NOTE that the supposedly “moderate” Palestinian Authority had recently issued an edict to be preached to Muslims on October 19, where it advocated for the extermination of all Jews. See this article and the video it contains about that matter.]
Attitudes of Palestinians and others AFTER the October 7th attacks
A November 14, 2023 Awrad poll of Palestinians says that 76% support Hamas, and when asked about their support of the various Hamas armed wings: 89% support the Al-Qassam Brigades, 84% support the Islamic Jihad group, and 80% support the Aqsa Brigades.
This October 17, 2023 “Generation Lab” poll that was reported by NBC says that 73% of Republicans and only 50% of Democrats and independents blame Hamas for its attack on Israel; and when broken down by race, 58% of White college students, 47% of Latinos, and only 36% of Black college students believe that Hamas deserves blame for the attacks.
An October 20, 2023 Cygnal poll asked Muslim Americans about their views of the Palestine-Israel conflict, where it reported the following results, as reported in this article:
— 28% Of Muslim Americans strongly agree that Hamas was justified in their attacks, while 29% somewhat agree. (57% agree overall.)
— 16% Of Muslim Americans strongly disagree that Hamas was justified in their attacks, while 25% somewhat disagree. (41% disagree overall.)
— The Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh has a 38% favorability among Muslim Americans, and 34% are unfavorable to him.
— The Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh has a 7% favorability among American Jews, and 12% favorability among Evangelicals.
— The Iranian supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has a 31% favorability among Muslim Americans and a 34% unfavorable rating.
— 52% of Muslim Americans equate Hamas to Al Qaeda, while 18% say it is not as bad. 49% equate it to ISIS.
— About a third of Muslim Americans rated Israel and even Netanyahu positively, but many more are opposed.
Many Palestinians have anti-Western views
Since much unjustified harm is being inflicted upon the Palestinians, it is not surprising that many have anti-Israel and anti-Western views.
However there is also much evidence showing that many Palestinians have always had hostile attitudes toward Israel and the West. It can be argued that ultimately such mentalities have been “engineered” into them by the global elite over the long term, but those are the mentalities that many of them have nonetheless.
Note however that of course not all Palestinians have such attitudes.
(Also note that most Westerners don’t understand the full extent of the issues with Islam, where in many ways the ideology is similar to the mafia where the rules of the religion are often enforced upon Muslims using intimidation and violence, even including the death penalty. See this article which explains many of such issues with it, and see this article that is a directory of information about issues with Islam.)
This video made in the year 2000 explains that Palestinian children are systematically taught in their public schools and elsewhere to hate Jews, where their textbooks advocate for violent Jihad and even suicide bombing, and the state of Israel is not even depicted on their maps.
This article explains that a Palestinian television show “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” advocated for children to become suicide bombers.
This article explains that footage exists of thousands of Palestinians celebrating when they learned about the 9/11 attacks, but most of the footage was suppressed by the AP.
This news report shows a Palestinian mob executing two Palestinians for allegedly collaborating with Israel, where they were then hung in the city center for display.