[Note: June 22, 2024— I have moved this article here from Open Minded Realism. I had originally published the article on July 18, 2020.
It is important to watch first documentary in this article in its entirety. The information in it is helpful to be able to fully make sense of much of the other information on this website. The documentary has been created by the John Birch Society.
As the documentary explains, in a “right wing” society its citizens are able to have a large amount of freedoms because they generally have a high degree of healthy self-control. A “right wing” government naturally deprives the global elite of being able to consolidate its control over the people, therefore the elite have been tirelessly working to purposely degrade the Western societies in order to give them no choice but to become “left wing” and thus become more dependent on them.
Most Europeans would benefit from learning this information, since the corrupt political Establishment always incorrectly attempts to tell them in their media that “right wing” and “far right” means “racism and bigotry.” The political Establishment understands that Europeans are generally very healthy and highly functional and thus they would be very happy and compatible living in a right wing society, so the elite has been doing everything that they can to harm Europe (link and link) in order to trick its people into becoming leftists.
Another significant aspect of the documentary is the fact that they correctly identify Nazism as being “left wing” and not “right wing.” Nazism even has “socialism” in its name, but the corrupt Establishment has been doing everything that it can to try to make people think that it is “right wing.” (However it is true though that some “neo-Nazis” are right wing because they want the government to leave them alone.)]
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of information debating what the terms “left wing” and “right wing” actually even mean.
Strictly speaking, “left wing” and “right wing” refers only to a scale of the amount of power of social intervention that a government has, however some people also attempt to lump in other incidental social characteristics such as “liberalism” and “conservatism,” which can sometimes be (somewhat) accurate but definitely not always; therefore two different schools of thought actually exist about the matter.
This article will explain both schools of thought and it will show why the second school of thought is not valid and potentially even dangerous.
The first school of thought which is the most accurate and relevant
When I was younger, I didn’t know much about politics, and whenever I heard the terms left wing and right wing I assumed that it was referring to an arbitrary scale from “liberal” to “conservative,” which I think is what most people still assume.
My understanding of politics has proceeded in stages over the years, where I have been continually learning new information that has been clarifying my view of the world. One of such significant pieces of information that I learned from is the following documentary “Overview of America” that explains the various types of government systems, and well as explaining how the terms left wing and right wing are actually referring to something that is very tangible and specific:
[Note: July 27, 2023— When this video explains the role of the U.S. government, it is talking about how the Founding Fathers originally intended it to be for the circumstances at that time. It would not be possible or actually even preferable to revert a lot of the current much more socialist system of the U.S Government back to being that way since society has changed too much since then, but at least its further leftward movement toward Communism could be halted if enough people become well-enough informed.
Also I think some people might be confused when the video says the U.S. is not a “Democracy.” Technically it is a “democratically elected constitutional Republic,” but it is not a pure “Democracy” which would actually be simply “mob rule” rather than “the rule of law.”]
“Overview of America: Part 1 of 2”
“Overview of America: Part 2 of 2”
After watching the above videos (it is important that you watch them in their entirety), you will be able to understand why the political Establishment doesn’t want people to have a clear understanding of what “left wing” and “right wing” are actually referring to!
(Also see this article that contains a written summary of the videos.)
The second school of thought which is clunky and arbitrary, and potentially even dangerous
Now compare the information in the previous videos with the information in this one, which claims that the terms “left wing” and “right wing” arose because conservatives sat to the right of a French king and liberals sat to the left of him, therefore the terms are actually referring to a scale of “conservative-ness” to “liberal-ness.” The video then attempts to explain alternative types of scales that supposedly “work better.”
The political Establishment wants people to think that “left wing” means “compassionate and liberal” rather than the truth of it being “enslavement by a tyrannical political elite,” and they want people to think “right wing” means “bigotry and hatred,” in order to trick people into subjugating themselves to the elite’s deceitful and harmful leftist agendas. Therefore the French King explanation is propagated frequently, including often even being taught in schools by leftist teachers and professors!
[Note: June 22, 2024— I have moved this article here from Open Minded Realism and re-written parts for clarity. The article was originally written on July 25, 2020.]
This 2015 PBS video segment says Marseilles, France is 30-40% Muslim. And of course 2015 is nine years ago, before the massive wave of immigration that has happened since then! (Note that the PBS video is pro-immigration, where it claims that immigrants are being verbally abused and it implies that they are being “oppressed,” but actually the opposite is usually the case.)
The video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.
The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless. See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.
This video shows the shocking situation outside of the large Calais refugee camp in France in 2015. The camp was located close to the entry of the Channel Tunnel into England.
I have re-edited this from the original video that I found on the internet. See its video page at this link.
This video contains a compilation of video footage of the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening in Europe. See its video page at this link.
[Note: June 22, 2024— The text in this section has been re-written for improved clarity.]
As the above videos explain, Europeans should be frightened of what is being done to them with the uncontrolled Islamic immigration that is happening on that continent. There is no way to undo the damage that has already happened. It is mind-boggling that Europeans could have let that happen to themselves, it will be remembered in history as a terrible mistake.
[Note: An additional link has been added here on June 23, 2024— Most Westerners have been purposely kept naive about the harmful aspects of Islam, because the ideology is a conspiracy of the global elite. (link, link, link, and link)]
The global elite have been working to usher in an age of a “post-industrial feudal system” which will essentially be totalitarian Communism, where population sizes are planned to be drastically reduced and most of the remaining people in the world are planned to be turned into a permanent underclass of dysfunctional and dependent “serfs and slaves.”
The elite have specific plans to:
— Mix everyone together.
— Dumb everyone down.
— Impoverish everyone and not allow people to individually prosper so they will be as dependent on the global elite as possible.
— Destroy everyone’s morality, cultural identities, and healthy family structures.
— Depopulate the Earth of as many people as possible.
(Note that the previous link makes a reference to the “Protocols of Zion” document that is often claimed to be one of the most extreme “antisemitic hoaxes” that has ever existed. However, research has shown that the document most likely actually originated as a Masonic policy brief rather than being a “Jewish” conspiracy. In any event, it is generally a bad idea to mention it because it is often considered to be a “third rail” that automatically makes whoever mentions it appear to be some sort of an antisemitic lunatic in the eyes of most people. See this link and this link for more information about that matter.)
The global elite’s agenda has always been to “bring everyone down” by employing a deceitful rationale of supposedly “bringing everyone up.” One of the methods that they use is to cause as much damage to one segment of society or region of the world as possible, and then to abruptly force the infusion of that damaged segment into a healthy segment by guilting people into allowing it to happen.
The global elite also attempt to make people think that their motives are “white supremacist,” for divisive purposes and to distract from the fact that they are currently also in the process of destroying predominantly white societies. They are actually “frightened” of native Europeans because such people are generally very healthy, functional, and compassionate, and thus they would be able to very effectively stand up against the harmful agendas of the political Establishment if enough of them actually knew what those agendas are. [Note: Of course everyone can be compassionate, but my point is since such people have generally been existing in a state of functional health, it often naturally leads to having a compassionate mentality. By contrast, people who have been trying to survive in a dysfunctional society don’t always have the luxury of developing “spare” compassion to the same degree, although of course everyone is an individual.]
[Additional note: June 22, 2024— Also many non-Europeans have constantly been told by the political Establishment that they are victims of Europeans and “white people,” when in fact the Establishment has always had an agenda of also harming white people. For example, the same political Establishment historically also killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of white people, such as during the Russian Revolution and in Soviet Russia, as well as during the previous two World Wars. (link)]
People in many parts of the Western world are calling for “burka bans” with the stated intention of improving the lives of the women who are expected to wear them. However, such agendas are a bad idea for many reasons.
Such legislation is contrary to the basic freedoms that Western countries guarantee for their citizens, and it wouldn’t remove the more fundamental issues of Islam oppressing women’s rights. In fact it would make problems worse due to it making currently burka-wearing women more comfortable in a superficial sense while concealing the underlying problems. The head coverings could even be thought of as being “beneficial” under the circumstances due to it being an indicator of the wider problems with Islam in general.
If Western countries think that Islamic clothing is so problematic as to actually make it necessary to go against their supposed principals of individual liberties, then why are they importing so many incompatible Sharia compliant Muslims in the first place? (See the article “Maps show countries where women’s religious clothing is restricted or mandated by government.)
Often well-meaning people defend and promote the propagation of Islam because they are under the impression that Muslims are merely a misunderstood and persecuted minority, due to information about most of the problems with the ideology being mostly suppressed by the Establishment media. However, Islam is very different than other religions since conformity to every aspect of it is very often strictly enforced with intimidation and violence, such as in the many Islamic countries where Muslims are executed simply for trying to abandon the religion. (Also see a collection of links which detail serious problems with Islamic Immigration into the West.)
A problem with Islam is the fact that it propagates itself with extremely high birth rates, with many families having as many as eight children or more, usually at the expense of taxpayers footing the bill in the form of welfare and social services. (See the video “Muslim Demographics” which explains how Western cultures are in the process of becoming replaced by Islamic ones, and see a segment from the video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” which explains what happens to societies during the various stages of becoming replaced.)
In an interview with Jamie Glazov, Dr. Mudar Zahran, a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition who is a Muslim himself explains many problems that are happening because of Islamic immigration in Europe, calling the current migrant wave being “the soft Islamic conquest of the West.”
In the video Zahran says: “I can authoritatively confirm [about terrorists coming with the migrants]— I have photos, I have images, I have pictures, I have names of terrorists who actually are already in Europe posting their photos in Europe on Facebook.”
Also see the article “Experts warn ISIS ‘hit squads’ are hiding among migrants in Germany and beyond” which contains this video along with more information.
There are many ways to effectively fix the problems of Western countries being overloaded with too many migrants from the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) countries. The following points detail some potential strategies:
— Western countries should coordinate with regions of the world to set up “safe countries” where new potential refugees could safely be relocated where they would naturally be compatible with the populations that are already living there. For example, Saudi Arabia is a wealthy country yet it has not been accepting ANY refugees while Europe is becoming flooded with totally unvetted migrants from Islamic war zones.
— The programs for importing refugees en mass into Europe and the U.S. should be ceased, and instead their safe passage to the designated countries should be implemented with initial assistance from the Western countries. Jobs and education should be available for the refugees once they arrive.
— New Muslim migrants should only be relocated to Islamic safe countries, and Sunni Muslims should not be mixed with Shia Muslims in the process since conflict exists between the two sects.
— Once safe and effective relocation for new migrants has been established, the borders should be closed and undocumented immigrants should no longer be allowed into the country. New undocumented migrants should not be legally allowed to work, and they should not receive welfare or other government benefits other than food and housing before being safely relocated.
— For previous non-citizen immigrants in Europe and the U.S, incentives should be given for them to willingly relocate to the safe countries, such as through the promise of jobs and housing, and ones who are are convicted of crimes should be relocated to a designated safe country ([text addition June 15, 2019— where they would also serve their prison sentence if necessary.])
The report claims the following changes have occurred between 2019 and 2021:
— Youths who identify as heterosexual have decreased from 84.5% to 74.4%.
— Youths who identify as gay or lesbian rose from 2.5% to 3%.
— Youths who identify as bisexual rose from 8.6% to 12%.
— Youths who selected “not sure” rose from 4.4% to 5.1%.
— Females stating they were “not sure” rose from 5.6% to 8%.
— Males stating they were “not sure” fell from 3.3% to 2.3%.
The survey included 12,847 respondents in 2019, and 16,357 respondents in 2021, both with roughly equal numbers of male and female respondents.
The survey is conducted every other year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (which is also controlled by the political Establishment), where questions about sexual identity have started to be asked in 2015.
The following images are from this Tweet showing the results of a Gallup poll about sexual orientation:
7.2% of Americans overall are claimed to identify as “LGBT.”
19.7% of Generation Z students are claimed to identify as “LGBT.”
A large shift toward bisexuality is claimed to be occurring.
Vigilantes caught a 25-year-old Ecuadorian illegal migrant who is wanted for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at a park in Queens, New York, then they tied him up and beat him up while waiting for the police to arrive (link) — [According to the report the vigilantes were other migrants. From the news report it seems pretty likely that it was him who did it, however vigilante justice in the U.S. is almost always inappropriate and unnecessary, since (at least still for the time being) appropriate justice would have most likely been served in that case.
The situation is different in other parts of the world such as in Europe however, where rapists and murderers are usually sentenced to only a few years in a “country club prison.”]
An investigation shows that the Biden Administration has been delivering migrant children to addresses of houses that are abandoned (link)
A Biden official is admitting that unaccompanied migrant juveniles aren’t being given criminal background checks (link)
Allegedly a Salvadorian illegal immigrant fled to the U.S. after killing a woman, then attacked a mother and her young daughter in a home invasion in Los Angeles, then killed a woman who was walking in Maryland six months later which he was just arrested for (link)
Eight illegal aliens suspected to be Islamic terrorists have been arrested in New York, Philadelphia & Los Angeles (link)
Five Somalis have been convicted in Minneapolis for embezzling $250 million that was intended to feed hungry children (link)
Judicial Watch: The financial Impact of illegal immigration on the U.S. public education system is staggering (link)
The Seattle police are hiring illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops (link) — [Seattle police has always been complicit with corrupt establishment agendas.]
Migrants are continuing to stream into the Boston airport as more than 100 are sleeping on the floor (link)
See a smuggler jump from a moving truck to a waiting jet ski into Mexico during a wild pursuit in Texas (link) — [He left behind an expensive new truck, the article says it may have been stolen.]
Migrants from countries such as China, Iran, Yemen and Nepal are reported to be illegally crossing the border into California during all hours of the day, where the CA National Guard has not been seen for the past week (link)
Senators are demanding answers from DHS Chief Mayorkas over the backdoor “mass amnesty” scheme for illegal aliens (link)
A Border Patrol agent told CNN that he is required to allow illegal border crossings or lose his job (link)
The feds have seized tons of meth, cocaine, and fentanyl in May at California border crossings (link)
A CBS News poll is saying that a majority of U.S. Hispanics now support mass deportation of migrants living in the country illegally (link) — [Despite what he has been saying, Trump almost certainly isn’t going to deport anybody, except perhaps for a few token migrants who commit crimes. He didn’t actually do much of anything about the immigration problem when he was in office, and then he threw the election to Biden. His focus on a “border wall” was a distraction, the real cause of the problem has always been the policies that allow and require the accommodation of the migrants, which has been inviting them to come in the first place. Also the policy of birthright citizenship should be eliminated, as most other countries have done. Such empty threats of deportation by Trump are only going to encourage many women migrants to get pregnant to increase their chances of staying. See this article about the immigration issue.]
The New York Times is saying that Trump “strikingly softened” his tone on immigration in a private meeting with top CEOs (link)
Top House Republicans are criticizing President Biden’s new executive order that’s expected to shield as many as 500,000 illegal immigrants from deportation (link) — [Most Republicans don’t actually want to do much about the problem but they claim that they do.]
“No cruising” signs that were installed in a California neighborhood in the 1990’s to counter an issue of gay men driving back and forth looking for “dates” have been removed as being “homophobic” (link)
“LGBT Pride Month” is not about celebrating, it’s about asserting dominance over the culture (link)
Support for homosexual marriage is declining in the U.S. as more Americans are waking up to the “LGBT” agenda (link)
An Oregon high-school track and field coach was fired for questioning the state’s inclusion of male athletes in female sports (link)
DeSantis is vowing to appeal a Democrat judge’s ruling against a ban on sex changes for children (link)
A trio of teenagers from Spokane, Washington who rode their scooters on a giant LGBT flag mural are facing felony charges and ten years in prison (link)
A Federal Appeals Court ruled against a Massachusetts middle school student who wore an “only two genders” t-shirt (link)
San Francisco has becomes one of the first major U.S. cities to declare “sanctuary” status for transvestites (link)
See a “gender studies scholar” tell a lesbian at a San Francisco lecture that she should “stay at home” if she doesn’t want to see penises in women only spaces, causing the other lesbians in the audience to loudly cheer (link) — [Note the video contains some profanity.]
Trump is saying he will end “gender insanity” in schools (link) — [But he won’t fix most of the “LGBTQ+” problems except for the most outrageously ridiculous ones. He is actually trying to appeal to gay voters.]
See how Reuters is attempting to portray the situation of courts blocking Biden’s insane transvestite agendas (link)
UK police are threatening to investigate social media users for “hate speech” for pointing out that a missing transvestite is a male (link) — [The English Commonwealth countries are horribly tyrannical. The U.S. is the only free country in the world, even though it has a lot of problems also.]
Thailand is going to be the first Southeast Asian nation to legalize same-sex marriage (link)
Babylon Bee satire: A man in Washington was arrested for urinating on new “pride” urinals (link)
A new report is saying that COVID shots have a 200x higher risk of brain clots than other vaccines (link)
Up to 40 million doses of an untested Bird Flu vaccine are being shipped to the EU, being designed for a disease that does not exist (link)
The Canadian military saw an 800% spike in vaccine injuries following the COVID vaccine rollout (link)
An appeals court ruled in favor of doctors who sued medical boards that censored them during the COVID lockdown (link)
The Supreme Court has decided not to change the availability of “morning after pills” (link) — [Currently anyone can have the pills mailed to them after they take part in an online interview, which has been the situation since the COVID lockdown. The much safer option would be to require that the pills are taken in the presence of a doctor, as was previously the case.]
A NYC homeless man has pled guilty to following and forcing his way into an Asian woman’s apartment, then raping and killing her by stabbing her over 40 times (link)
A bus was hijacked with a victim being killed during a hostage crisis in Atlanta (link)
An elderly woman was knocked unconscious by two men fighting at the LAX airport (link)
A crazed Georgia man accused of attacking a pregnant woman is a repeat offender in the Atlanta area (link)
L.A. bus drivers are saying the current safety measures are not protecting them from violent attacks (link)
Louisiana has become the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public school classrooms (link) — [That is completely inappropriate, doing that is going to set a precedent for more Islamic prayer rooms to be put into public schools all over the country, which is actually what the Establishment’s real agenda is (along with the spread of “after school Satan clubs.”) The separation of church and state is a fundamental tenant of any free society. If people want to have their religion be a part of their school, they should go to a private school that caters to it.]
Wikipedia’s editors have appropriately voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League “generally unreliable” about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources (link)
The Southern Poverty Law Center is branding the response of conservatives to the woke culture takeover as “Christian supremacy” and “ethnocide” (link)
The SPLC laid off a quarter of its staff, despite having nearly a billion dollars in reserves (link)
A San Fransisco firefighter was brutally attacked by a co-worker, but was fired due to reporting the attack while the attacker kept his job because he is black (link)
See an Establishment video claim that Trump supposedly made a “mind-blowing number of lies” in a recent speech (link) — [I disagree with many of the claims made in the video, but Trump often does exaggerate and communicates in a ridiculous way, which causes his supporters to not bother defending him from being attacked in such a manner.]
A Texas Democrat candidate has been charged with sending racist messages to himself (link)
Fox News: “Adults who skipped college urge high school grads to follow suit, say rewards are ‘immeasurable’” (link) — [I agree that it is true that going to college is a waste of money for many types of professions. But I’ve been seeing many conservative outlets saying that healthy-minded people should avoid going to college only because of the toxic “woke” agendas on campuses, however that will only clear the way for more “gender studies major”-types to graduate into administrative positions in society (where their tuition will also likely eventually be paid for by taxpayers.)
It is simple to debunk the ridiculous “woke agendas” in the universities, the media outlets should be advocating to do that instead.
See this video of a KGB defector Yuri Bezmonov explaining how universities are being infiltrated with harmful leftist ideologies.]
See a Zionist “Karen” lash out at orthodox Jews in New York who are criticizing Israel (link) — [If she isn’t serious she is a good actor. In any event many Jews are frightened of criticizing Israel no matter how frustrated they may be with what the Israeli government is doing. The political Establishment exploits that fear by intentionally causing and organizing antisemitism as a strategy (link).]
Literal Hamas supporters who assaulted law enforcement and vandalized monuments with hate speech walked away without a single arrest, while kids doing “doughnuts” over a “Pride” crosswalk were arrested and are facing serious charges (link)
An anti-Israel mob chanting “long live intifada” lit flares outside of an NYC exhibit that memorializes October 7th Nova Music Festival victims (link)
“Nine things I saw at the Pro-Hamas White House rally” (link) — [Most of such protests about the Gaza conflict are controlled opposition.]
Masked anti-Israel protesters took over a NYC subway car and told “Zionists” to identify themselves and get out (link)
See Gaza protesters deface subways cars in NYC (link)
See video of Gaza protesters in NYC chanting antisemitic chants such as “Iran you make us proud” (link)
New York is considering banning wearing face masks at protests (link) — [Antifa-types usually wear masks when they riot.]
Leftist employees at a coffee shop in Philadelphia voted to unionize, causing all of the stores to close one week later (link)
The self-driving technology in Elon Musk’s cars are a ridiculous menace to road safety (link) — [Such technology would not be safe even a hundred years from now, yet they are allowing it on the roadways anyway.]
The actor George Clooney’s foundation is submitting requests to initiate criminal proceedings and secret arrest warrants against journalists whose reporting is favorable to Russia in European countries that have laws against “war propaganda” (link)
Judicial Watch has received U.S. Secret Service records from the DHS that reveal details about several incidents where Secret Service personnel were attacked and bitten by Biden’s dog Commander (link)
The U.S. Department of Defense has given a lab-grown meat company $500 million in U.S. tax dollars, seeking a contract to serve U.S. service members fake meat in the name of “reducing the military’s carbon footprint” (link) — “The experimental product, not food, is created in a science lab using animal cells and chemicals.”
Unsold Tesla cars are piling up around the world (link)
A Muslim Student Association speaker at the University of Illinois Chicago denounced the U.S. and democracy, describing them as a “cancer,” while advocating for the adoption of Islam as the “new way of life” for humanity (link)
A new study by the the American Medical Association says firemen, construction workers and others who worked at 9/11’s Ground Zero face a significantly increased risk of dementia (link)
The political Establishment is again trying to claim that running your air conditioner is destroying to planet (link)
The political Establishment is claiming that “rising seas due to global warming” are causing septic tanks in the southern U.S. to leak (link)
Elon Musk is calling for the scrapping of electronic voting machines, warning they are at high risk of being hacked and manipulated (link) — [The voting standards must also be federalized, as this website explains.]
A poll about concerns of parents of schoolchildren didn’t give an option of “lack of discipline” (link) — [See the image of the poll results further down on the page. I don’t think a lack of discipline is the biggest issue in most schools, but in particularly dysfunctional areas it can be the biggest problem. I think alternative schools should exist in such areas where they focus on discipline above all, but it is important that only students who actually want to attend those schools are allowed to do so, where they would be sent back to the normal public schools if they cause problems, etc.. The normal public schools should be fixed also but the political Establishment is going to fight against that since they have purposely engineered the current dysfunctional state of those schools in the first place. See this article about that concept.]
A Senate committee snuck a provision into the NDAA allowing women to be drafted into the military (link)
Protestors in LA are demanding a safer city following the murder of the “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor (link)
A former Google employee is saying Google Maps lacks a “scenic route” option because of DEI (link)
Joe Biden’s secret service agent was robbed at gunpoint in Orange Country, CA (link)
A massive brawl broke out at a Los Angeles high school graduation for students on probation (link)
The former Trump-appointed US ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman is demanding that Americans be imprisoned for “antisemitism” (link)
The competitive eating champion Joey Chestnut will miss the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competition in New York for the first time in more than 15 years, because he violated his agreement with the Frankfurter company by signing up to represent a company that makes vegan hot dogs (link) — [However the “Impossible Foods” brand uses GMO “frankenfood” ingredients that most vegans avoid like the plague.]
A massive 6.5-inch Megalodon tooth was unearthed in South Carolina by a family of fossil hunters (link)
A Pennsylvania waste processing company is saying it has collected over $10 million worth of discarded coins (link)
The country music singer George Strait has set a new record for the largest single ticketed concert in the US (link)
Muslim mothers walked with their children through a Jewish neighborhood in Toronto carrying pictures of swastikas (link)
A threatening masked mob patroled the streets of Jewish neighborhoods in Toronto, harassing local Jews outside their homes (link)
A serial arsonist Sudanese migrant in France won’t be deported despite burning down 16 apartments, multiple cars, part of a church, and seriously injuring a student (link)
An Afghan migrant stabbed a Ukrainian refugee woman in a Frankfurt Germany park, leaving her seriously wounded (link)
Five were stabbed in an Afghan neighborhood in France in an alleged “score settling” attack (link)
See a Rwandan migrant demolish a car in Poland (link)
Violent protests erupted in France where leftist Islamofascist rioters set fires and trashed property and businesses due to the election of the conservative, anti-Islamization National Rally (RN) party, led by Marie Le Pen (link)
One-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, overtaking Catholics as the largest religious group (link)
Law firms in the UK are being told to stop hosting work socials at pubs in order to accommodate Muslim staff (link)
Hundreds of thousands of leftists in France are protesting against the surging populist national party (link) — [Don’t expect the wave of populist parties to do much, however. The countries need to get out of the European Union, and electronic vote counting must be eliminated. It might even be too late even if those things do happen.
Most Europeans are very naive about politics. The harmful political Establishment is frightened of them learning what the term “right wing” actually means, so their media has been constantly telling them that it means “racism and bigotry.” See this article that explains the real meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”]
A BBC investigation is saying that at least 40 migrants have died due to the actions of the Greek coast guard in fifteen incidents across a three year period between May 2020 and 2023 (link) — [The migrants usually puncture their rafts as soon as coast guard vessels approach them in order to ensure that they are picked up. Of course I don’t think they should be harmed, but they should be brought back to their country of origin; or a new safe country could be established for them where they could be sent to, such as on the North Coast of Africa or into the Sahara Desert which is empty, and where much construction could happen to comfortably accommodate them while also creating jobs.]
See Raymond Ibrahim explain the dishonest pro-Islam bias in historical academia (link)
An Italian ANTIFA member who was imprisoned for brutally beating up innocent civilians in Hungary has been elected to the European Parliament, meaning she will likely get immunity and be released from house arrest! (link)
Currently only 9% of Palestinians think Hamas committed war crimes, while 67% support the October 7th atrocities (link)
A report from the UN Security Council is reporting that al-Qaeda is having a resurgence in Afghanistan under the ruling Taliban, where they are setting up eight new training camps alongside five “madrasas” which are Islamic educational institutions (link)
Muslims in the Congo murdered over 60 Christians for refusing to convert to Islam (link)
Four Iowa college instructors were stabbed during the day en route to a temple in China (link)
Watch the Russian St. Petersburg Church Choir sing an insane song about destroying the “enemy” U.S. with atomic weapons from submarines (link) — [They are saying that they will do it all for “three rubles.” (The video was made five years ago.)]
Vladimir Putin Signed a law to build Russian-Chinese base on the moon (link) — [It is another space race with the Ruskies in the lead.]
A video shows two Russian jet fighters intercepting a US drone (link)
The computer chip maker Intel is halting construction of a $25 billion plant in Israel (link)
Australia’s “Ministry of Truth” is censoring a report about a primary school “queer club” in Melbourne (link) — [The English Commonwealth countries such as Australia and Canada are horribly tyrannical.]
China does not allow people posting content on the internet that depicts Chinese people as being either too poor or too rich (link) — [China is controlled by the same global elite who control all of the rest of the world. It is a model for the upcoming New World Order, but it is a different “flavor” of tyranny than what is being implemented in the West.]
Pope Francis received around 100 establishment comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes “make God smile” (link)
Hundreds of discrepancies were found with the electronic voting machines in Puerto Rico’s primaries (link) — [All of the Dominion (previously Diebold) vote counting machines everywhere are fraudulent, and they have been for decades. That also includes ones that only count paper ballots.]
The UK Labour party leader Keir Starmer said if he is elected to PM he will outlaw anti-Islam statements made in person or online (link) — “The comments from Starmer, who is widely predicted to become Britain’s next prime minister in a little over two weeks time, suggest that his potential government would look to build upon his party’s history of undermining free speech in the UK. … For example, … the Labour government introduced the draconian Communications Act of 2003, which criminalised statements deemed to be ‘grossly offensive’ or intentionally causing ‘annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another.’ The legislation has been used to arrest thousands of Britons for posts online. … The increasingly urban woke left-wing party has adopted the widely contested All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) definition of Islamophobia ...”
The Australian version of the TV show “60 Minutes” is explaining that many of the pro-Palestine protests are infiltrated by an Islamic terrorist organization (link)
“Princess Kate Makes Public Return After Cancer Diagnosis for Trooping of the Colour” (link) — [I wonder if she actually even had cancer at all.
There is a theory that consuming “nitrilosides” is a cure for cancer, which is naturally contained in wheatgrass juice, apple seeds, bitter almonds, and apricot kernels, as this article explains.
I was chronically ill a few years ago where my body was almost entirely incapacitated with muscle aches over a period of weeks due to having some sort of a serious internal infection, which I think was cancer. I cured myself by first flushing the “inflammation” out by drinking large amounts of water to temporarily ease the body aches, and then I eliminated whatever the source of the infection was by drinking an entire large tray’s worth of home-grown wheatgrass juice every day over a period of a few weeks.
(Chronic inflammation is when your bloodstream becomes overloaded with dead white blood cells due to it fighting some sort of infection. When inflammation causes muscle aches it is because the dead white blood cells are accumulating in your muscles. Such muscle aches feel like you just finished running a marathon, or even worse. Some people give themselves blood tests to determine the amount of inflammation in their body to gauge their overall health. Vegans usually have the least inflammation.)]
by Edward Ulrich, updated June 20, 2024
Recently I saw this article on Henry Makow’s website by Anders Bruun Laursen that details how the Muslim Brotherhood which is central to Islam is actually a Masonic organization that is making use of Islam as a tool to cause chaos for helping to usher in a New World Order, and I have summarized key points from the article here.
This article is a part of A Summary of Islam Related Issues.
Following are points from the article:
— Events associated with the recent murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was a Muslim Brotherhood “Kingpin” demonstrate how the Muslim Brotherhood is pervasive in all aspects of Islamic societies, with many high ranking Muslim Brotherhood members decrying his death such as Turkey’s President Erdogan.
— In a 2005 winter edition of the Middle East Quarterly journal (pp. 25-34), Lorenzo Vidino, who was deputy director at The Investigative Project, a Washington D.C.-based counterterrorism research institute wrote: “The Muslim Brotherhood’s ultimate goal is rather to extend Islamic law throughout Europe and the United States.”
— The Muslim Brotherhood is a Masonic organization founded by a British agent and Freemason named Hassan al-Banna in 1929. During his life al-Banna worked for the British and also German Intelligence services and then for the CIA. [Editor’s note— al-Banna was also a devout admirer of Hitler who closely collaborated with the Nazis, as is explained in the article that is linked to in this paragraph, and also see the OpenMindedRealism article “Hitler and Nazis embraced Islam during World War II.”]
— The Muslim Brotherhood has specific plans to overthrow the West, as has been discovered in documents found in a 2001 raid of the home of the director of the Al-Taqwa Bank of Lugano named Youssef Nada. Nada has been associated with the Muslim Brotherhood for more than 50 years. (See here, and here.)
— All Muslim terror groups are members of the Muslim Brotherhood (including Al-Qaeda.)
— The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan is to fulfill the Quran’s demands to Islamize the world (such as in Sura 33:27), and they are doing it mostly through subversion and political deals. They are well on their way with doing that in Europe, and the U.S. will not be far behind (as has been detailed in the above Youssef Nada documents.) The Islamic immigration policies of the EU (and U.S.) are detailed in specific Muslim Brotherhood plans. [NOTE— Also see the video “The Grand Deception,” which details the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.]
— The Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas group The Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) is the “de facto voice for Muslim youth in Europe,” which has connections to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the European Youth Forum, and numerous relevant NGOs at the European level. This article mentions that the CEPR was hosting a European parliamentary delegation to attempt to visit Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli prisons.
— The Masonic Shriner Order, of which several U.S. presidents are members, is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
— Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
— Barack Obama’s brother Malik is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Obama himself is likely a member as well. (See here, see an interview of Walid Shoebat talking about such issues, and see a CBN video talking about such issues.)
— A “Euro-Islam” professor and Muslim Brotherhood member Bassam Tibi said that paid Turkish and Saudi-Arabian Islamists are tricking gullible Westerners into Islamizing Europe, and another article is mentioned that explains that the Muslim Brotherhood is using deception to make people agreeable to importing Muslims in order to continue flooding the U.S. with Islam.
— The concept of “Euro-Islam” is meant to pull the wool over the eyes of naive Europeans who don’t understand that peaceful aspects of the Quran are “abrogated” (cancelled) by more recent and militant aspects of it as proscribed by Islamic law. (See here and here.)
— This article explains that the Muslim Brotherhood uses its international presence in the UK, France, and Germany in order to build a network of alliances with entities representing the world’s major Islamic blocs.
— The Muslim Brotherhood’s presence in the UK, France and Germany has spread to other countries such as Belgium, Ireland, and Switzerland starting in the 1980s and 1990s with new waves of Muslim immigration.
— “An umbrella group, the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, was formed as the façade of the international Muslim Brotherhood and as a way of gathering all the Brotherhood associations and Islamist groups in Europe, including more than 500 organizations inside and outside the EU states and unofficial entities working within this framework.”
— “There is also now an unofficial parallel network of Muslim Brotherhood. These people run smaller associations that operate outside the Brotherhood’s religious and preaching framework, with the goal of making Europeans more sympathetic to Brotherhood ideas by marketing them in a secular package that defends democracy and human rights. These associations include Brotherhood media entities in the UK working in education, culture, and youth issues and focus on the integration of Muslims in Europe.”
— The Islamic Cultural Center in Geneva was established by Said Ramadan, who is the son-in-law of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna.
— The Muslim Brotherhood spread through Germany from its Munich Mosque relying on the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (the IGD), which is the voice of German Muslims that control some 60 Islamic centers across the country. It is led by Egyptian Brotherhood associated Ibrahim Al-Zayat, who is the son-in-law of Sabri Erbakan, the leader of Milli Gorus who controls large segments of the Turkish community in Germany and has close ties with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
— In France, more than 250 mosques and Islamic associations are under the umbrella of the Federation of Islamic Organizations using North African Brotherhood cadres, particularly Tunisians, who gave an upper hand to to the Representative Assembly of French Muslims in successive elections.
— “In the UK, in 1997 Arab Muslim Brotherhood affiliates founded the Muslim Association of Britain in the UK. The Islamist ideologue Youssef Al-Qaradawi’s 1990 book ‘The Priorities for the Islamic Movements in the Coming Phase’ has functioned as a kind of constitution for Brotherhood movements in the West since the early 1990s.”
— In Al-Qaradawi’s book, he calls for abandoning violence and the use of preaching, dialogue, and other peaceful means to forge a middle way between extremism and secularism, however the book also warns about the potential of the Muslim minority’s assimilation into Western Societies and he promotes the idea of a “separate” community of western Muslims that he termed “Muslim Ghetto,” which today are the Islamic “no-go-zones” that have always been the Masonic plan.
— In 1989, the Muslim Brotherhood established the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe in order to facilitate Islam’s horizontal expansion throughout Europe. The organization is a facade for all Muslim Brotherhood and Brotherhood-sympathizing organizations throughout Europe, and it portrays a political discourse that focuses on “democracy” and “human rights.” (See this link.)
— The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe moved its headquarters to Brussels in 1997 to be closer to EU political institutions. It is also has branches in Norway, Sweden, the UK, and outside of the EU it has branches in Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the Ukraine.
— A few other articles (here and here) are mentioned that explain the collusion between the Muslim Brotherhood and the global elite for the Islamic overthrow of Europe.
— Also mentioned is Ghaleb Himmat, who is a Syrian with Italian citizenship who is one of the founders of the al-Taqwa Bank, which is a powerful conglomerate that Italian Intelligence has called “the Bank of the Muslim Brotherhood” that has financed terrorist groups since the mid-1990s, if not earlier.
— Two founding members of the Illuminati Sabbatai Zvi and Jacob Frank converted to Islam centuries ago, which was a part of the start of the Illuminati’s control over Islam.
This video report explains details of the Israeli Special Forces attack that rescued four captives in Gaza but horrifically killed over 270 Palestinian civilians, many being women and children. (See a later section in this article for a written description of sections within the video.)
(See its Bitchute video page at this link.)
A summary of Israel’s Nuseirat rescue operation
Most of the following information is from this article on the website “The Last American Vagabond,” and from the above video.
On June 8, 2024, the Israeli military forces freed four captives that were being held in Gaza, and in the process they killed over 270 Palestinian civilians, including 64 children and 57 women, with over 400 others being injured. During the attack 89 inhabited homes and residential buildings were bombed.
The attack was launched from a pier that was previously constructed by the U.S. military to import humanitarian aid, where the soldiers concealed themselves in two humanitarian aid trucks and were dressed as civilians.
The attack took place in a densely populated civilian area in central Gaza during the day, where the hostages were being housed in two large apartment buildings that were 200 meters apart from each other.
Shortly after entering the area, one of the Israeli special forces units were discovered by Hamas fighters who ambushed them, causing Israel to send warships, attack helicopters, drones, fighter jets, and military reinforcements on the ground.
While one of the Israeli special forces units was caught up in the ambush, another entered the civilian buildings using a ladder, where they shot and killed any civilians who got in their path on their way to the captives, as explained in this Tweet:
... the Israeli army used a ladder to enter the home of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal. The army immediately executed 36-year-old Fatima Al-Jamal upon encountering her on the staircase. The forces then stormed the house and executed her husband, journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal, 36, and his father, Dr. Ahmed, 74, in front of his grandchildren. The army also shot their daughter, Zainab, 27, who sustained serious injuries.
While the clashes were breaking out, the Israeli forces sent missile strikes from the air into the surrounding buildings and into a nearby marketplace that was filled with civilians, which has been one of the worst massacres so far in the eight month war. The civilians were not only killed by the airstrikes and gunfire from drones, but also by soldiers on the ground. A report by Reuters says the assault left “mangled bodies of men, women and children strewn around a marketplace and a mosque,” where a local paramedic described the scene as being like in a horror movie.While rescuing the four captives, the Israelis ended up accidentally killing three other captives, and a special forces commander was killed.
A team of U.S. “hostage recovery officials” stationed in Israel assisted with the attack by “providing intelligence and other logistical support,” according to the New York Times.
This operation was the first rescue mission of its kind during the war, and it has given the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu a boost of public support due to positive media coverage about the attack. The attack also buys more time for the Israeli government to continue its war in the Gaza Strip. President Biden commended the operation as “daring,” without making any mention of the associated atrocities.
Key sections of the above video
(The first 50 minutes of the video talks about many issues, including June 8th being the anniversary of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. Following are key sections of what is spoken about after that:)
49:40 — The video explains the situation of what happened during Israel’s June 8th raid where over 270 Palestinian civilians were killed, many of them being women and children.
1:11:40 — This section of the video talks about the difference between how Palestine treats its hostages and how Israel treats its thousands of detainees who are often held without charges, where many of them are tortured and some have been in captivity for over 20 years.
1:21:05 — This section of the video shows examples of extreme hostile attitudes of some Zionists toward Palestinians, where some are advocating to kill all of them. [Note however that genocidal attitudes of Islam toward Israel and Jews are more common, where a much higher proportion of Muslims publicly espouse such a view than Jewish people do, including before the current conflict that has been happening. See this link, this link, and this link. Most Westerners are unaware of the extent of the serious issues with Islam. (But that is not to say that a lot of Israelis don’t have such views also.)]
1:39:40 — This section of the video examines how a “humanitarian aid” pier was used to launch the attack, and additional details of the operation are explained such as how the U.S. and U.K. were involved.
1:48:40 — Horrifying images are shown from the attack where many children had been killed. It is also explained that the rationale for bombing the crowded market was to “create a path for the rescue vehicle”!
2:19:50 — They show a TikTok video by someone who says that the U.S. also used the guise of “humanitarian aid” to commit genocide in Cambodia in the 1960’s. [Note: However he does not identify the global elite as being responsible for doing that (link and link), and he claims that their motivation for doing it was “white supremacy,” when in fact the same political Establishment historically also killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of white people, such as during the Russian Revolution and in Soviet Russia, as well as during the previous two World Wars (link). And how can he claim that “white supremacy” is the motivation today when there is an obvious agenda being implemented to destroy white people and their culture? (link)]
2:43:45 — Footage is shown of tens of thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv who are protesting to demand that their government complete an exchange deal with the Palestinians and for the overthrow of Netanyahu. [Note: This is what I was talking about in the earlier point. You will never see a similar large demonstration of Muslims criticizing their own leadership, because their religion does not allow them to do so. See this article that explains many disturbing issues with Islam that most Westerners are unaware of.]
2:50:10 — The video explains that horrifying footage of the results of the bombings are being censored by Twitter (“X”). [Note: It is essential for such pictures to be shown in order for people to understand the atrocities that are happening.]
3:15:10 — The video compares the healthy appearance of the recently released captives to the emaciated appearance of Palestinian prisoners of Israel after they are released.
3:50:10 — The video mentions The “Greater Israel” Project where many members of the global elite have expressed a desire to radically extend Israel’s borders, which is likely what is currently in the process of being implemented. [Note: In any event they are actively in the process of destroying the U.S. and Europe with their intentionally harmful immigration agendas (link, link, and link).]
![Lexis Roberts, Krystal Tobias, and Laura Hobbs— all of whose killers have had their death sentences commuted by Joe Biden.](/_wp/wp-content/uploads/noitv_article_wp_biden_commuted_sentences_of_37_death_row_inmates-300x133.jpg)
Carter was one the most harmful of presidents, where the global elite exploited his seemingly “friendly and innocent nature” by using him as a puppet to cause damage across the world by betraying allies of the United States.
However, the behavior of his supporters is so irrational and ridiculous that it brings into question the legitimacy of their actions, where they seem to be engaging in a form of artificially coordinated gaslighting.
Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970’s and 1980’s, and he was a known Marxist Communist who along with his wife Margaret Trudeau were close friends with Fidel Castro.
This article summarizes every time either Cuba or Fidel Castro were mentioned in the book.
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