This is full video of the live broadcast of the debate that was narrated by Note if you are having problems playing the video try this link or this link.
Despite Trump’s great performance in his debate with Kamala Harris, the Establishment media has been attacking him and claiming that Harris had won despite the opposite being true.
The media has been constantly leveling false accusations at Trump about the debate, which they seem to think they will be able to get away with due to his not bringing up some of the most hard-hitting issues but instead often mentioning ones that seem as if they are “ridiculous accusations” even though they actually are true.
Many reports are also attempting to claim that she “baited” him into “going on rants,” however he in fact had a very calm and reasoned demeanor.
The moderators were noticeably unfair to Trump by asking him loaded questions and supposedly “fact checking” him many times, whereas they never fact checked Harris’ statements despite the fact that it was mostly her statements that were incorrect.
During the entire debate Harris made ridiculous patronizing faces, including even making faces in a strange attempt to deny facts about her that are common knowledge, for example while Trump was explaining that she has been in favor of defunding the police.
Unfortunately though Trump neglected to mention some important issues, such as the one of huge amounts of children being missing due to Biden’s open border policies, as this video explains. [Note see this video or this video if you are having problems playing the video.]
Also when Trump was asked by a moderator about the accusation that he blocked the Democrat’s “border bill” for political gain, he surprisingly didn’t answer the question even though he easily could have cleared the air about the matter, such as is explained in this article. Despite that being an important question for him to answer, he instead changed the topic to the recently reported issue of Haitian migrants in Ohio eating people’s pets and ducks from parks, which even though it is actually true it is controversial and it seems ridiculous, thus giving the media an opportunity to deceitfully portray him as him being some sort of a crazy bigot.
Trump also mentioned some other issues that “seem ridiculous” even though they are true, and in all of those cases the Establishment media has been attempting to capitalize on it by falsely proclaiming that what he said is crazy and false, as later information in this article explains.
I was glad when I heard that there was going to be another debate, but now apparently Trump is saying that he doesn’t want to do that. I think the political Establishment knows that if another debate were to happen Harris would be clobbered beyond any ability for them to maintain the facade of them being “neck and neck” in the public opinion, thus he is likely being warned to back off. I hope at least they will allow him to win the election by not implementing their vote fraud against him.
I can’t imagine how the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and “Tampon Tim” won’t further obliterate the Democrats, unless some sort of weird unpleasant surprises are waiting in the wings. For example I’m put off by Vance associating the term “Hillbilly” with himself, which concerns me.
[Update: September 13, 2024 — Actually I wasn’t very familiar with J.D. Vance other than some interviews that that I’ve seen of him in the news. He seems like a pretty good choice for VP but I hope he won’t play the Establishment’s game too much.
I just saw the “Hillbilly Elegy” movie that I thought was well-made, I thought it was similar to the “8 Mile” movie except without the rapping. It is strange that the critics panned it at the time as explained in its Wikipedia page, apparently the reviews were politically motivated due to him being a conservative.]
In any event everything that was said in the debate is fertile ground for being scrutinized, which certainly isn’t going to work out well for Harris.
Following are some of the issues that either Harris or the moderators lied about or the media has been incorrectly attempting to spin about the debate:
Migrant gangs are in fact being empowered in the U.S., despite claims to the contrary
Infowars video: “RED ALERT: MSM Now Admits Venezuelan Gangs Are Taking Over America!” (link, link or link) — In this video starting at about 14:30, Alex Jones explains many news reports about Venezuelan gangs in the states of Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, California, New Mexico, and Colorado, where they are being reported to be taking over private houses and apartment buildings, robbing stores, beating people up, and shooting and killing people— all while the political Establishment has been attempting to conceal those issues.
This Infowars Greg Reese video also explains information about Venezuelan gang activity in the U.S.
Accusations of migrants killing and eating people’s pets are true, despite claims to the contrary
September 10 Infowars video: “Springfield, Ohio Residents Describe Haitian Invasion Like Something out of Mad Max” (link, link or link) — In this video Alex Jones explains that many people in Springfield, Ohio and other towns have been complaining about problems being caused by 20,000 Haitian migrants who have been brought into the area where previously only about 50,000 people had lived. Many of the migrants are bringing voodoo practices where body parts from animals are being found that have apparently been used in rituals, bodycam footage from police is shown where a woman was apprehended for killing and eating a cat, reports are shown where some of the migrants have been killing and eating ducks and geese at the local parks, and it is explained that many of the migrants have been driving cars without licenses and getting into accidents. Also explained is how the problems are being denied to the media by members of the local city government.
September 12, 2024 Infowars article: “Ohio AG Slams Media For Hiding & Dismissing Springfield Haitian Goose Story” (link) — This article contains a video by the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost who explains that a recorded police call and police report do exist about a witness reporting immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield, and he explains that citizens have also been testifying to the City Council about the matter.
September 11, 2024 New York Post article: “A Springfield, Ohio man has reported Haitian migrants snatching geese out of a park two weeks ago” (link) — This is an example of how problems being caused by Hatian migrants in the Springfield, Ohio area are in fact actually real, despite members of the local government denying that the police know anything about it.
Many Democrats support post-birth abortions, despite claims to the contrary
In the debate one of the moderators “fact checked” Trump by saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” however many Democrats support allowing a baby to die “if has survived an abortion.”
Also when Trump asked Harris about late term abortions, she strangely attempted to create a false perception that she thinks it is ridiculous that he thinks she would support such a thing or that anyone would actually do that, despite the fact that it is precisely what she supports.
Watch the debate in the above video starting at about 13:30 to see what was said about the abortion issue.
This Tweet shows footage of Governor Ralph Northam endorsing killing born-alive infants, where he says, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”
I think every abortion is a tragedy and a woman should always choose not to have one, but personally I support the availability of early-term abortions (heartbeat bills for example), and the availability of “morning after pills” as long as they are only allowed to be dispensed in the presence of a doctor. I also believe exemptions should be allowed in some cases such as in the case of incest or to save the life of the mother.
I’m worried that some corrupt politicians may be advocating for the most extreme pro-life stances not because they actually care about the matter, but because they are deceitfully attempting to empower their opposition due to many people being opposed to that.
I respect the intentions of most pro-life purists however. Like I’ve mentioned I would like to make an article that compares different stances about the abortion issue, where it would technically also present the stance of what late-term abortion advocates want, however that would also depict the atrocity of what late-term abortions actually are.
See this article where I discuss the abortion issue.
See this article that explains current abortion laws in various states.
Harris has only very recently changed her stance about wanting to confiscate the guns of law abiding Americans
When Trump said that “Harris wants to confiscate your guns,” Harris denied it by claiming that she and her running mate Tim Walz are “both gun owners,” and she said, “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away, so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”
However Kamala has often advocated for doing exactly that through “mandatory gun buyback programs.” See this video that contains a compilation of what she has said in the past about her stances on gun confiscation. [I wish they also would have superimposed the dates of when each of the video clips was recorded. And note that when “assault weapons bans” are mentioned it also means most types of handguns.]
Kamala Harris ridiculously denied advocating for defunding the police despite it being common knowledge that she was one of the loudest supporters of the agenda
I can’t imagine even any of Harris’s supporters not thinking it is very strange that Harris denied wanting to defund the police (which many of them still want to do!)
Note the following information has been found in this Gateway Pundit article which reports about fact-checking that the Trump campaign did about the debate.
July 2024 ABC News article: “Harris, in 2020, said ‘we have to redirect resources’ from police” (link)
In the video in this Tweet Harris applauds Eric Garcetti for defunding the Los Angeles Police Department.
The video in this Tweet shows that Harris has repeatedly praised the “Defund the Police” movement.
The video in this tweet shows Harris ridiculously saying, “It's ‘wrongheaded’ and ‘outdated’ to think police officers make communities safe.”
Kamala also denied that she raised money to bail violent rioters out of jail during the 2020 riots, despite the fact that this Tweet on her own Twitter account advocates for that!
[Also see this article which explains that the “defunding the police” agenda is for replacing police officers with corrupt Marxist “community patrols.”]
This video talks about an issue of armed migrant gangs becoming empowered in Colorado and elsewhere in the U.S.
Also see this article explaining that Colorado’s governor Jared Polis (who is a homosexual that has a husband, where he was somehow elected despite many areas of that state being conservative) is telling citizens to ignore the issue of the armed Venezuelans.
While all of this has been happening, Establishment media pundits such as John Oliver have been falsely claiming “there is no migrant crime wave,” as this article explains.
Issues with Donald Trump and Immigration in the U.S.
I saw this article from a local newspaper in State College, PA which is attempting to create fear about an extreme “Agenda 2025” which is apparently some sort of an Establishment disinformation campaign that the media and politicians have been attempting to associate with Trump, despite his constantly publicly disavowing it.
I graduated from Penn State University in the 1990’s. The school didn’t have any discernible bias while I was attending it, but according to news reports that I’ve been seeing over the years it has apparently become a leftist extremists institution just like most of the rest of universities have in the U.S.
In any event, the “enlightened” leftists at such Universities don’t need to fret about Trump. For example he actually isn’t going to do much to fix the immigration problems despite his spoken rhetoric about it.
During his first term, Trump mostly only focused on proclaiming that “he was going to build a border wall” while almost never mentioning the most significant immigration problems such as them being released into the U.S. to wait for their hearings that are scheduled years in the future. (link) When he was questioned about such issues he would often make excuses such as saying that “an Obama appointed judge in California told him that he couldn’t do anything about that, etc..,” (link) rather than simply going ahead with the appropriate actions anyway since such judges were attempting to enforce illegal policies.
Even Trump’s “border wall” was a farce, and strangely he even attempted to claim at the end of his term that he “finished the wall.” (link)
Trump eventually did implement at least some useful agendas however, such as the “Remain in Mexico policy,” however the effectiveness of that and other policies were immediately negated once he threw the election to Biden at the end of his term by not effectively challenging the fraud that occurred in the election. (link)
Nonetheless Trump is much preferable to the Democrats since he usually at least appropriately advocates for what needs to be done. He would be much more effective if he was called out more often by his supporters whenever he strays, which they rarely do unfortunately. Many of his high profile supporters are Freemasons who are doing what they are told to do.
Based on what he did in his past administration, the most that Trump will likely be willing to do is to reduce the flow of migrants that are coming in while he is in office, and he will likely not be allowed to permanently dismantle the corrupt system that has been allowing them in despite it theoretically being possible for him to do so.
[Note: September 15, 2024— I improved the wording of the preceding two paragraphs. I think Trump wants to do what is right but all Presidents are ultimately required to do as they are instructed by the political Establishment.
If anyone is wondering about the potential of Trump actually deporting people as he has sometimes been talking about, they should realize that most Americans are too squeamish to even agree to stop the flow of illegal migrants coming into the country in the first place! A few people are saying that they are in favor of large scale deportations, but that will never happen except perhaps for migrants who commit crimes.
It is most important to stop the influx of illegal migrants coming in the first place, which is by far the easiest and most effective approach. I think deportations can work in some cases such as if they commit crimes, but a policy of mass deportations would not work and it would never be agreed to happen by enough people, and if Trump makes it too much of a platform it could cause him to lose the election (and it would give the political Establishment a way to make stealing the election from him appear as if it legitimately happened.)]
(I support much of what Trump at least says he will do, however I don’t support his extreme non-critical pro-Israel stances that most other Republicans and Democrats also share. I usually like Israeli people but the Israeli government is very corrupt and harmful.)
Lack of public knowledge about the immigration situation in the U.S. is a significant cause of the problems
One of the biggest hindrances to anything being done about the immigration problem is most people’s lack of knowledge about the nature and extent off the issue due to a media blackout about the topic, including even in much of the conservative media.
For example most people are unaware that the Biden administration has been flying migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua into Florida, Texas, and other states since January, where almost 350,000 have been brought in so far, in addition to the whatever migrants that have been crossing the border during that time.
In addition to the U.S. doing that, Nicaragua has been intentionally weaponizing illegal immigration into the U.S. through facilitating the passage of Latin Americans, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Asians as “blackmail” to force U.S. sanctions relief, as this article explains. (And note that the totalitarian regime of Nicaragua is covertly controlled by the global elite.)
Additionally, the media constantly lies about the number of illegal migrants that are in the U.S., where the most reliable estimates show that at least 30 million were already in the U.S. even before Joe Biden’s open borders which have allowed tens of millions more to come in. (link)
Issues with Kamala Harris and Immigration in the U.S.
Kamala Harris and the Democrats have been trying to “blame Trump and the Republicans” for the immigration problems by claiming that the Republicans “voted against the Democrat’s ‘border bill’ for corrupt and selfish reasons.” (link) However the bill actually would not have done anything significant to stop the immigration, as this article explains in detail.
Harris has been claiming that she wants to “hire more border guards,” but the actual job of the “guards” would only be to facilitate even more illegal immigration happening, as this article explains.
When Harris claims that she wants to “‘fix’ the border issue,” what she means is that she wants to make what is currently “illegal” be “legal.” For example during campaigning in 2020, Harris along with most of the rest of the Democrat candidates openly advocated for removing criminal penalties for crossing the border illegally, as the videos at this link explain, among other issues.
It is no exaggeration to say that if Harris wins, it will mean the end of the United States. (link)
This article by Raymond Ibrahim explains that the historic St. Anne’s Church in Buffalo, NY was sold to a Muslim organization for only $250,000 to be turned into an Islamic “victory mosque.”
The Catholic Church has a long history of engaging in a sacrilegious practice of giving churches away to be converted into nightclubs or mosques or private residences rather than tearing them down. It is only a matter of time before this church will be loudly broadcasting the Islamic Call to Prayer throughout the town on a daily basis, as these mosques do in the U.S. Can you imagine the plight of the Christian people who grew up in that neighborhood who now have such a towering desecration being forced upon them?
Other parts of the country have had success in organizing to push back against the Establishment’s agenda of Islamizing the U.S. (link) and Islamizing the West in general. (link and link) However no such pushback will happen in liberal areas, where many are imploding into tyrannical hellholes where illegal aliens, Muslims, and all other sorts of leftist types (link) are increasingly being put into positions of authority where they are replacing local police forces though Marxist “community policing” agendas. (link)
(For a good example of problems with “community patrols” be sure to read this article that explains specific past abuses by Muslim Community Patrols in New York City.)
This campaign video for Kamala Harris is communicated in a manner that has been calculated to be agreeable to many people. Trump on the other hand usually communicates in a divisive and even ridiculous manner.
It is important to realize that the style of communication of a candidate is really the only thing that most voters know or care about. The surface is an important part of the whole, so it should not be considered to be superficial for a candidate to also be concerned about their outward appearances.
Harris had been rated as the most liberal of all U.S. Senators (link), which is really saying something. See the previous NOITV article about issues with Joe Biden, and realize that Harris’ stances are even worse.
In any event, despite what many in the conservative media are claiming, Trump is as much a part of the political Establishment as the rest of the politicians are.
Trump has recently been getting very sketchy with his “assassination attempt” and the ridiculous divisive things he has been saying since that occurred, such as saying that “people won’t ever have to vote ever again” after he wins, and saying that people should be put in jail for a year if they desecrate the U.S. flag for example.
Trump has always been disingenuous, however. Remember that in his previous term he brought the COVID lockdown and the vaccines (link), he didn’t actually do anything significant about fixing the immigration problem when in fact he could have (link), and then he threw the election to Biden while playing along with supposedly being persecuted (link). Also Trump’s rallies are usually full of Freemasons (link and link) who are knowingly going along with his antics.
As bad as Trump is, I do think he is preferable though. But conservatives need to realize that he is not “their friend” and he needs to be called out whenever he strays, which is all the time. The concept of being an activist is totally foreign to most conservatives, who usually assume that all they need to do is “vote for a Republican” and it will fix everything.
I don’t know why Alex Jones has been so uncritical of Trump, he shouldn’t be.
Jones has put out a lot of good information in the past, however. For example the following three clips from Alex Jones’ documentary “Endgame” explain what the political Establishment has been doing to the United States:
Endgame segment: An Introduction to Historical Abuses by the Global Elite
Endgame segment: Battle for the Republic
Endgame segment: How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent
Also read the summary of the book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy,” and the summary of the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” which explain the long term agendas of the global elite, and see this article that summarizes much other information about the agendas of the globalist establishment.
I hope Trump’s people made sure to take close up video footage of his wounded ear to ensure that people don’t accuse the situation of being some sort of a hoax.]
A heroic 38-year-old man was killed and two others were injured in a broad-daylight stabbing on a NYC street (link) — [This article has video of the guy who sacrificed himself to stop the attacker. Most of the news stories about this situation are vague in their descriptions about what happened, and they didn't mention the heroic actions of the guy or even his name. In any event this is a good example of why more people should carry a gun in their bag.]
A triple stabbing in NYC’s East Village is raising alarms over neighborhood safety (link) — [This is the video from the above link.]
Armed robbers ran over and killed an elderly woman during a botched robbery at an outdoor mall in Newport Beach, California (link)
A mob of nearly 100 looters ransacked an Oakland, CA gas station, and the police didn’t respond for hours (link)
See Amazon delivery drivers fight off a carjacker with long arrest record near a Queens fulfillment warehouse (link)
Ten people have been shot in downtown Columbus, Ohio (link)
Biden actually literally told the head of NATO that he “F****d his wife” while speaking to him on stage (link) — [The media didn’t even mention this!]
Joe Biden described himself as a “black woman” during a confused radio interview (link) — [He seems to genuinely be in mental decline, but I think such “gaffes” are intentional. His performance at the debate wasn’t any different than the way he has been acting during his entire term, yet suddenly all of the political Establishment has decided to recognize his incompetence at once.]
Polls are ridiculously claiming that Joe Biden is still favored to win the election despite the negative press about his debate performance and his dementia (link) — [This article was prior to the assassination attempt on Trump, but nonetheless there is no way he can have anywhere close to so much support. Polls can’t be trusted.]
“’Better Living Through Birding’: Christian Cooper on Birding While Black & the Central Park Incident” (link) — [Remember this is the black guy who was put into the news cycle a few days before the George Floyd incident occurred because “a white woman called the police on him” in the “Central Park ‘Karen’ case.” However he did in fact threaten the woman’s dog contrary to what the media claimed, but she also seemed to be “in on it” because she didn’t mention that fact when she was interviewed about it in the media, but instead she just ridiculously kept “profusely apologizing.” She supposedly even “lost her job” at a firm called Franklin Templeton because of it.
At the time the leftist media was trying to push a gaslighting angle of suggesting that “calling the police on a black man for any reason whatsoever is ‘racism,’” where they intentionally highlighted cases where calling the police was in fact justified while they ridiculously claimed it was not, but then they switched to hyping the George Floyd incident once that occurred.]
The city of Sacramento is threatening to fine a Target store for calling the police on shoplifters (link)
Bill Gates has a project to feed people maggot milk (link)
Massachusetts has launched a $1 million campaign to attack pro-life pregnancy centers and promote abortion (link)
The Massachusetts House unanimously passed a bill to allow women to sell their babies to the highest bidder (link)
A teenager in Spokane Washington was fatally shot while trying to return an air rifle (link) — [He should have had more sense about the matter. He probably thought it was funny to prank the guy who was confronting him about the gun.]
Jewish groups are getting 94% of Homeland Security grants (link)
China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the U.S., raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage (link)
A NYC Jewish family was pummeled at a 5th-grade commencement by attendees shouting “free Palestine” (link)
Miami Beach officials have been trying to get rid of invasive iguanas (link) — [They do need to be removed because they eat bird’s eggs and hatchlings. It’s a shame they shoot them though which the video calls “humane.” Apparently they can instead be trapped and put into a sealed picnic cooler with dry ice which suffocates them. Also during cold weather they fall out of the trees, so hopefully they mobilize to collect them in large numbers when that happens.]
“Trump: ‘I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS’” (link) — [The separation of church of state is a fundamental tenant of any free society. If people want their religion to be a part of their school, they should go to a private school that caters to it.
The supposed “conservative revival” that is claimed to be happening is being implemented for ulterior motives of furthering Establishment agendas, such as to enable the installation of Islamic prayer rooms in public schools around the country as well as “after school Satan clubs.”]
See an establishment article claiming that only “anti-democratic leaders” challenge the vote fraud that happened in the 2020 election (link)
A 30-year-old San Francisco McDonald’s has closed due to the $20 minimum wage (link)
A Pro-Palestinian mob has targeted another synagogue in Los Angeles (link)
DEI is now coming for lawyers in the U.S. (link)
Joe Biden is threatening to send out Attorneys General to go after grocers in a plan to combat his food inflation crisis (link)
Vandalizing “LGBTQ” materials is a crime in the U.S., unless you support Hamas (link)
A “top Trump advisor” is saying organizations pushing “Trump policies” will be least likely to staff his administration (link)
Target will no longer be accepting personal checks as a form of payment at its stores (link)
Maxine Waters is saying “There will be blood in the streets” because of Trump, “whether he wins or not” (link)
Alex Newman: The UN’s war on farmers is targeting you (link)
Oklahoma and Alabama now have vending machines with AI facial recognition that sell bullets (link) — [I wouldn’t do it, but if people want to put themselves into a facial recognition system it is their prerogative.]
A leftist media outlet “Truthout” is ridiculously claiming the Republicans are targeting “disabled Alabamians” by requiring an ID to vote (link)
40 percent of Generation Z believes our Founding Fathers are more akin to villains than heroes (link) — [See the video in this article that explains who founding fathers are and the real meaning of the terms “left wing” and “right wing.”]
Jeff Bezos saved $1 billion in taxes by moving from Washington State to Florida (link) — [Good for him, it’s also great that he isn’t contributing tax money to the vile leftist agendas of Washington State.]
A Kentucky Student’s diploma was withheld for citing God in his graduation speech (link)
“A Black man got a job interview after he changed the name on his resume. Now, he’s suing for discrimination” (link) — [I’m very pro-business owner rights, I think businesses should have the right to hire whoever they want, rather than “Big Brother” mandating who must be hired based on woke agendas.
The political establishment has also been trying to mandate that transvestites must be required to be hired in a similar manner, such as with their nightmare “Equality Act” which thankfully didn’t pass, but that will eventually happen anyway at the rate things are going.
And who is to say that his original resume didn’t have some sort of other issues that caused them not to call him? In any event I wouldn’t be surprised if he is in favor of bias when it is for hiring only black people.]
The climate realist and former Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe has passed away (link)
Infowars video: “John Stossel Channels Alex Jones In Powerful Pro-Humanity Message” (link) — [I’ve been watching John Stossel since the 1980‘s.]
Pro-abortion advocates are attempting to block the availability of abortion pill reversal medication (link) — [The abortion pill process requires taking a second pill after a first one, and if the women changes her mind after taking the first pill the medication can save the baby.]
The U.S. Army is labeling pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups” (link)
Satanists are set to volunteer in Florida schools following the signing a of new law that allows religious personnel to be employed in public schools (link) — [I’m sure there will be a lot of Islamists also.]
See how a two-year-old solves the “trolley problem” ethical dilemma (link) — [The political Establishment wants people to think that they have no choice but to “pull the switch” to kill some people to save the others, but in reality situations are almost never actually such “either one must be killed or the other” type of scenarios.]
Kevin Costner’s new Western movie is off to a bumpy start (link) — [I think its name “Horizon: An American Saga—Chapter 1” is the cause of the lack of interest. They should have just called it “American Horizon” or “American Horizon: Part One.”]
A transvestite gunned down his parents in their Utah home, sparking a massive manhunt (link)
The newly appointed homosexual White House communications official is apologizing for past tweets comparing police officers to “slave patrols” (link)
The transvestite Health Secretary Rachel Levine opposed any age limits for sex change operations (link)
A judge blocked Biden’s pro-LGBT Title IX rules in four more states, bringing total to 14 (link)
A French gender-confused ex-McDonald’s worker was awarded 7,000 euros after his bosses called him by his legal name (link)
Toronto police failed to arrest naked men at a gay sex pride parade because “it wasn’t in the public’s interest” (link)
A Texas nurse is saying the FBI threatened her for exposing a child sex-change operation (link)
Transvestite inmates are continuing to sexually assault female prisoners in California (link)
An Oregon high school fired a track coach for proposing an alternative to transvestites competing against females (link)
Ignoring parents’ objections, a Virginia county’s school board has unanimously OKed gender ideology lessons (link)
Two Venezuelan men have been arrested for the murder of a 12-year-old girl who was strangled to death in Texas (link)
A 13-year-old girl was raped by a Honduran illegal in Virginia (link)
Biden’s deputies are hunting for 50+ migrants delivered by Islamic State-tied smugglers (link)
Watch a gang of armed Venezuelan thieves raid a Colorado jewelry shop, making off with over $2.5 million (link)
A previously-deported MS-13 gang member says he is unbothered by his arrest because “Biden will let him go” (link)
Democrats are once again calling on the Biden administration to bring Gaza refugees into the U.S. (link)
“Romanian organized criminals” have been busted in Michigan amid a nationwide theft spree (link) — “They were found to be in possession of around $23,000 worth of clothes, makeup, perfume, vitamins, supplements, and other items stolen from big box stores, chain retailers, and local shops.”
A Pew poll says 81% of Americans want ID verification to vote (link)
49 U.S. states were caught handing out voter registration cards to illegal aliens (link)
See voters being registered in Palm Beach, CA near its DMV where proof of citizenship isn’t required (link)
Democrats are now endorsing illegal aliens voting in the 2024 election (link)
Joe Biden is vowing to block a bill requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to vote, claiming non-citizens voting is “extraordinarily rare” (link)
Elon Musk is saying opponents of the SAVE Act which helps to protect election integrity are “traitors” (link)
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has reinstated absentee ballot drop boxes in a major blow to election integrity (link)
Democrats are slamming a popular voter id bill as “racist and xenophobic” (link) — [The following ridiculous statement is what the Democrats equate with simply requiring a ID to vote: “They don’t want to hear black voices, brown voices, LGBTQIA voices, young voices. Our fundamental access to our democracy is being politicized, and this xenophobic attack that we’re debating today will make it harder for Americans to vote. Republicans proclaim that requiring IDs is a small ask but nearly 30 million people lack a valid driver’s license, and about 15 to 18 million adults don’t have access to documents proving their birth or citizenship.”]
The U.S. House passed a bill requiring voters to prove citizenship in federal elections; it now heads to the Senate where it faces strong opposition from Democrats (link)
Illegal immigrants in Washington D.C. are delivering food by renting the accounts of legitimate users of apps such as Uber Eats and DoorDash (link) — [Of course those apps should show the customer a photo of the delivery person. I’m sure this situation is happening all over the country. The fact that those companies make it so easy to do that shows it is intentional.]
Former ICE Director Homan: Every Republican congressman not voting to impeach Mayorkas “can go to hell” (link)
The Nicaraguan media is saying Biden’s measures are having no effect on the U.S.-bound migrant flow (link)
An Orlando, Florida Islamic Imam is preaching extreme antisemitism (link)
See a former Prime Minister of Somalia give a speech in Minnesota in the Somali language supporting Ilhan Omar, while never mentioning the U.S. (link)
An international student from India falsified transcripts, bank documents, and a death certificate for his father as part of a grand scheme to obtain a student visa and a full-ride scholarship to Lehigh University in Pennsylvania (link)
An appeals court has overturned CAIR’s “victory” of having the U.S. terror watch list being ruled as unconstitutional (link)
Packs of “fighting age males” in military uniforms have been seen entering the U.S. through a remote Arizona town (link)
The European Union is funding the ongoing invasion of the United States via “humanitarian aid” projects in Latin America (link)
Boatloads of illegals are swarming San Diego shores (link)
The Biden regime is halting the release of Tajik Muslim migrants into the U.S. over jihad terror fears, after hundreds have already been let in (link)
A U.S. intelligence chief is warning that Iranian operatives are giving financial support to pro-Hamas groups in U.S. (link)
The national Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa reported on Wednesday that the country has seen a historic increase in the amount of money entering via remittances from the United States (link)
The supposedly “anti-illegal immigration” Trump is now promising to “staple green cards” to every college diploma (link)
A taxi driver in NYC stopped his cab to get out and hit the head of a statue of Jesus in front of a church with his shoe until its head broke off (link) — [He is almost certainly a Muslim because the use of a shoe in such a manner is a symbolic act in Islam.]
Muslim migrants in Spain beat a man to death after he stopped them from raping a 15-year-old girl (link)
An Iranian migrant in Germany who was shot and killed by a police officer was stabbed by a police intern (link)
An Algerian immigrant in France cut the throat of a 57-year-old French man (link)
Teens in France raped a 12-year-old Jewish girl, saying they did so “because she said bad things about Palestine” (link)
20 Afghans and Syrians were filmed beating a German 14-year-old boy in the city of Gera in the east of Germany (link)
Islamists in Russia beheaded a priest, and murdered at least 16 while targeting churches and a police station in Dagestan (link)
Reasi survivors in India played dead as terrorists kept firing after a bus fell into gorge (link)
A 15-year-old girl in Germany was kidnapped and sexually assaulted by men with “Arabic accents” (link)
A German woman was given a longer prison sentence than migrant gang-rapists because she “offended” the rapists (link)
An African illegal in France under a deportation order has been charged in the rape and abduction of a Ukrainian teen (link)
A knife-wielding Muslim migrant attacked three federal police officers in Germany (link)
A mob of Muslim men in Canada attacked a lesbian couple (link)
The German education system is facing a serious crisis as increasingly more and more students are speaking little or no German at all (link)
The West is so afraid of charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia” that it is neither comprehending nor mounting any effective resistance to the global jihad (link)
Germany has removed only less than 3 per cent of migrants that have deportation orders (link)
London’s leftist Mayor Sadiq Khan has imposed a “woke” ban on London’s taxi drivers, warning them against flying an England flag during the UEFA European Football Championship or face serious penalties, including losing their cab license (link)
Geert Wilders’ party which is in power in the Netherlands might be able to reduce the mass Islamic invasion of the Netherlands (link)
See Paul Joseph Watson explain how France is having horrible problems due to the immigration that is happening there (link)
The UK labour Party victory will inevitably usher in the era of sharia blasphemy laws (link)
French women are no longer safe in the city of Lyon (link)
A poll is saying that 74% of Germans are dissatisfied with government’s action against illegal migration, while 69% want fewer migrants coming in (link)
A Coptic Christian bishop from Egypt recently issued a warning to the people of Germany and the entire Western world about encroaching Islamism (link)
An illegal migrant in Germany was deported on a luxury private jet after brutally raping a 9-year-old girl (link)
The newly elected UK Labour Party PM Keir Starmer has scrapped the plan to send illegal alien Muslim migrants back to Rwanda and instead is putting them up in hotels in Britain (link)
Illegal migrants are vowing to cross the English Channel “as soon as possible” after the Labour victory (link)
Welfare costs are exploding in Germany, where almost 50% of recipients are foreigners (link)
The political Establishment is deceptively pretending as if an apocalypse was avoided by the supposed “far right” not being voted into power (link) — [France and Europe are in serious trouble. See this article about what would have been voted into power. I think it is very likely that vote fraud played a role in what happened.]
The chief rabbi of a Paris Synagogue is saying “There is no future for the Jews in France [due to the out of control Islamic immigration]. I tell all young Jews to go to Israel or to a safer country.” (link)
Le Pen’s supposed “far right” National Rally party has lost to an alliance called “the New Popular Front” of the leftist extremist parties France Unbowed, Communists, Greens and Socialists (link) — [The multiple leftist parties ganged up to outvote the conservative party. The muddled mis-configuration of the political system in France is designed to guarantee pro-Establishment results. Vote fraud almost certainly played a part in that result as well. Europeans are generally very misinformed about the reality of politics.]
[The Masonic Lodge] has sentenced a female labor activist to death in Iran (link) — [Iran is controlled by the Masonic global elite (link).]
Israel bombed a youth soccer game at a school in Gaza, killing at least 31 people (link) — [I’m surprised this isn’t bigger news.]
Trudeau’s government gave $440,000 to a private SJW community organizer group (link)
Scotland has passed legislation that would make it illegal to offer assistance to women seeking an abortion within 200m of any facility that performs abortions, and it can even fine people for displaying pro-life signs in their own homes (link)
Israeli Forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of their military vehicle as a human shield, which a practice they have often done before (link)
The UN has declared war on free speech, saying “People with non-mainstream views must be ostracized from society” (link)
Turkish airport workers refused to refuel an Israeli flight that was forced to make an emergency landing (link)
See a Raymond Ibrahim article detailing the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims in Africa throughout the month of May 2024 (link)
Another Homosexual group in Canada is claiming “queer liberation is Palestinian liberation” (link)
A Muslim stabbed two off-duty Israeli soldiers at shopping mall in Israel, killing one (link)
At least 18 people were killed and 19 seriously wounded in suicide attacks targeting a wedding, a hospital and a funeral in northeastern Nigeria, including by a suicide bomber Muslim woman in Nigeria carrying a baby on her back (link)
Israel has bombed Lebanon over 6,000 times since October (link) — [That is in addition to their bombing of Palestine.]
Marine Le Pen is challenging CNN on the “far-right” label (link) — [See this article that explains the situation before the election.]
AfD members in Germany have been banned from owning guns in a new court ruling (link) — [They don’t want people who speak out about the corrupt Establishment agendas to be able to defend themselves from being attacked by non-law abiding people. The U.S. is the only free country in the world despite having problems of its own.]
Egypt is intensifying preaching activities in thousands of newly built Mosques (link)
“How is he still alive? Tragic images of Palestinian, 21, reduced to mere skin and bone as he suffers severe malnutrition in Gaza” (link) — [He actually has a medical condition that is making him be that way! Israel is engaging in many atrocities in Palestine, but I don’t really believe the “starvation” claims.]
A video appears to show a gang-rape of an Afghan woman in a Taliban jail (link)
Hamas terrorists beat hungry Gazans for “stealing” aid (link)
Islamists are are the verge of establishing a beachhead in the UK Parliament (link)
Muslims burned down the home of a 90-year-old “un-Islamic” singer in Bangladesh, then the authorities sided with the mob (link)
Canada’s “Islamophobia czar” is complaining of “anti-Muslim and anti-Arab backlash” while offering no examples (link)
The Israeli media is admitting that Israel killed their own people under the “Hannibal Directive” on October 7 (link)
KFC Chicken in Canada is now “Halal”— meaning they have discontinued pork products and proceeds from the slaughter of the other animals such as chickens go to terrorism-linked Islamic groups (link) — [See this video talking about the barbaric Islamic “Halal” slaughtering technique. But note that all factory-raised animals suffer greatly in any event, certainly including chickens. See this video about that.]
The historic 1,000-year-old Notre Dame Cathedral in Normandy has “caught fire” in a likely “religious attack” (link)
The AfD has launched a nationalist party group in the European parliament (link)
Iran’s Hezbollah is not only a terror group, it is also one of the world’s biggest drug traffickers (link)
After spending $230 million of U.S. taxpayer money on a Gaza aid pier, the Biden regime is removing it (link)
France and Canada are slamming Israel’s recognition of five new Judea and Samaria settlements (link) — [I agree that Israel shouldn’t continue to expand with new settlements, as France and Canada are complaining about.]
The German foreign ministry is being investigated for issuing fraudulent visas for Afghans and Lebanese migrants (link)
This image is from the back of the U.S. dollar bill which is issued by the U.S. Federal Reserve, showing the Masonic all-seeing eye at the top of a pyramid. “Annuit cœptis” is Latin meaning “He (God) favors our undertakings,” and “Novus ordo seclorum” means “New Order of the Ages.” Image from Wikipedia.
There are essentially three main schools of thought about who “runs the world,” however only one of them is factually accurate.
The first school of thought which is the only accurate one
By far the most accurate description is that the global elite are about 300 families who privately own and operate the world’s central banks (such as the U.S. Federal Reserve.) Many of the families are Jewish, however many are not Jewish such as the Rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie families who also have part-ownership of the banks, which makes them as much a part of the global elite as their Jewish counterparts.
The documentary “The Capitalist Conspiracy” explains that situation well.
The most famous of such families are the European Rothschilds, as is explained in this introductory video from the Alex Jones documentary “Endgame.”
Also see the information in this article that explains in detail who the global elite are and what their motivations are.
The second school of thought
Some activists insist on claiming that it is “the Jews” who are the global elite, thus incorrectly implying that it is “all Jews” and “only Jews.” Many of such activists are “controlled opposition” (link, link and link) who are being instructed to make that claim in order to confuse people and stifle criticism since antisemitism is unpalatable to most people.
Most of the high ranking global elite share the same occultist practices no matter what their professed religion is, and it is not specially “Jewish” members who do so.
The third school of thought
The third school of thought is that simply “wealthy businessmen” or “corporations” run the world or “nobody” runs the world, where it is claimed that there is no “global elite” despite all of the evidence to the contrary including the existence of the privately owned central banks, and many proponents of such a view claim that simply mentioning the role of banks is antisemitic.
The documentary “Zeitgeist” is an example of the political Establishment attempting to falsely claim that “corporations” and thus “the free enterprise system” are the source of corruption in the world, where it then deceptively advocates for the destruction of Christianity and the establishment of essentially a totalitarian New World Order as the supposed “solution.”
This view is no more legitimate than the “flat Earth theory,” and people who espouse the view often have an agenda for doing so and they often attempt to deceptively deflect all of the evidence to the contrary. (The “flat Earth theory” is essentially Freemasons earning a “merit badge” by creating an impression that large amounts of people will believe any sort of a ridiculous and false concept.)
Image from Wikipedia.
A “conservative revolution” has recently been happening in some parts of Europe with the election of right wing candidates, and the Establishment media has been attempting to create a perception that it is going to cause a “fascist catastrophe,” such as this article does. However many European politicians that the media are calling “far right extremists” are in fact usually not extreme at all.
It is possible that the right wing party of the conservative politician Marine Le Pen might be voted into power in an election in France on Sunday, where she has some beneficial platforms such as reducing the amount of immigration, ending the policy of birthright citizenship for illegal migrants, and creating a “national preference” for French citizens in social housing and welfare programs.
Europe has been having terrible problems due to the out of control Islamic immigration that has been happening on that continent (link), which most non-Europeans are unaware of due to a media blackout about that topic. (link)
However Le Pen doesn’t really go far enough with her platform, where for example she isn’t advocating to get France out of the European Union, and she is essentially a social liberal with her stances on issues such as homosexuality and abortion. Also she is a strong supporter of Israel despite the fact that the country boycotts many of the supposed “far-right” European parties due to being criticized by them. (link)
Additionally I believe that France should eliminate the “Burka Bans” that it has in place since they are contrary to the rights that Western countries supposedly allow their citizens, but more significantly they should be eliminated because such bans are concealing the problem of the encroachment of Islam that is happening in the country.
The speculation about the election of Le Pen’s party is eliciting a violent response from migrants and leftists in general, such as a group of 20 popular French rappers who collaborated on a track calling Le Pen a “whore” and “a dog in heat who should be beat with a stick,” and they threatened the life of the National Party leader Jordan Bardella while also singing, “If the fascists come by, I’m going out with a big caliber.” This is a good example of how it is much easier to not allow immigration problems to occur in the first place rather than trying to fix them later.
Additionally large mobs of leftists rioted in France when news broke of Le Pen’s party taking the lead in the election, as this article explains.
(Also remember that Europeans are in danger because they are not allowed to carry guns to protect themselves from being attacked by non-law abiding people. See this link which explains that no civilians are allowed to carry weapons in public places in France, where instead they are required to rely only on “woke” Establishment police officers to protect them.)
Most Europeans are actually naive about politics, and they also often have a neurosis about appearing to be some sort of a “bigot,” which the political Establishment exploits in order to further their harmful goals of destroying Europe as a part of its plan for a totalitarian New World Order. (link and link )
The political Establishment is afraid of Europeans becoming aware of what the terms “left wing” and “right wing” actually mean (link), so they have been doing everything that they can to create a perception that “right wing” means “racism and bigotry,” such as through being deceptive in their media reports and by implementing controlled opposition activist groups (link) who intentionally destroy their own credibility such as by proclaiming that they “like Hitler and Nazis,” etc.
The political Establishment also lied to Europeans about the nature of the migrants that they have been bringing in, such as through the ex-Catholic Nun Karen Armstrong who disseminated incredibly dishonest claims about Islam to Western audiences through the Establishment media over the past few decades. For example she ridiculously claimed that Islam is no more oppressive or violent than Christianity, among many other deceptions. See this article explaining a summary of issues with her, and see this information about other issues of Establishment disinformation about Islam.
In order to counter the harmful agendas that are being implemented by the political Establishment, it is important that the following must happen:
— Europeans need to understand that the European Union is deceptively “anti-Democratic” and every European country should remove themselves from their involvement with it. (link)
— People need to become informed about what the phrases “left wing” and “right wing” actually mean. (link)
— People need to be more aware of the corrupting influence of Freemasonry in politics and the media. (link and link)
— People need to be aware of the dangers of controlled opposition activist groups. (link, link, and link)
— People need to become more aware of the harmful aspects of Islam. (link and link)
— People need to become more aware of who the global elite are and what their agendas are. (link and link)
— People need to understand that all electronic vote counting is potentially fraudulent, including the electronic counting of paper ballots. (link)
A new book has been published which ridiculously claims that JFK jr. killed himself, his wife, and his wife’s sister by intentionally crashing his plane into the ocean 25 years ago near Jackie Kennedy’s house where he grew up; however much evidence shows that they were actually assassinated by a flight instructor who was also on the plane, as the above video explains.
The video documentary is by John Hankey, who details the large amount of evidence showing that JFK jr. was assassinated by the plane he was piloting being crashed by a flight instructor who was hypnotized to do it.
[Note that accusations of the involvement of specific individuals in the documentary are speculative, but nonetheless it is obvious that JFK jr. was killed in the manner that is explained. I recommend sticking with watching it at the beginning as it picks up starting at about 1/3 of the way into it.
Also some of the claims in the documentary about his father JFK sr.’s assassination may sound ridiculous, however the evidence for those claims are laid out in the interesting documentary “JFK II: The Bush Connection,” which was also created by John Hankey. (Note the link to the video has been changed on July 3, 2024.)]
Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970’s and 1980’s, and he was a known Marxist Communist who along with his wife Margaret Trudeau were close friends with Fidel Castro.
This article summarizes every time either Cuba or Fidel Castro were mentioned in the book.
This article presents a video of the debate while clarifying issues that either Harris or the moderators lied about or the media has been incorrectly attempting to spin about the debate.
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