News of Interest.TV

“When Did Humans Start Wearing Clothes?”
Running Time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds

This video summarizes the history of humans wearing clothing.

Following are points from the video:

— Humans likely started wearing clothing in the form of animal hides 170 thousand years ago, which has been revealed by studying the evolution of lice that lived in such clothing.

— Humans then adopted the creation of felt fabric by matting wool, and then created fabric weaving technology about 27 thousand years ago.

— Ancient Egyptians developed linen fabric at around 5,500 BC, and the Chinese started producing silk fabric at around 4,000 BC.

— The first examples of dyed flax fibers were found in a cave in the Republic of Georgia dating back 36 thousand years ago.

— At around the mid-1300’s AD, it became more common for clothes to be tailored in a complex fashion with form fitting seams, and the industrial revolution which started in the 1700’s brought clothing that was made on a large-scale in factories.

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A Summary of the History of the World, in Videos
Video: “When Did Humans Start Wearing Clothes?”
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